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As well as her work in the photography and science communication fields, Alena works as a wildlife conservation scientist.


She has her BSc in wildlife conservation and ecosystem interactions through the Geography and Biology departments at the University of Victoria.

For the past several years, she has been working in the field of bear protection and stewardship in the Great Bear Rainforest, alongside several incredible organizations and Coastal First Nations.

She currently works with the Central Coast Bear Working Group (Bears Forever), to safeguard black bears, grizzly bears, and spirit bears in the territories of the Kitasoo/Xai'Xais, Heiltsuk, Wuikinuxv, and Nuxalk Nations in the Great Bear Rainforest, and as the Media Coordinator for Spirit Bear Research Foundation.


You can find a summary of some of this work, and an overview of Alena's other work in the fields of science, research, stewardship, and policy, below!

by Alena Ebeling-Schuld and Chris Darimont

I conducted this research during my time in UVic's Applied Conservation Sciences Lab, under the supervision of Chris Darimont. This work was supported by Raincoast Conservation Foundation and NSERC, and involved assessing the satisfactions of human hunters using social media, and relating these satisfactions to wildlife management paradigms and policy.

This work was published in the form of a peer-reviewed academic paper in the journal Wildlife Society Bulletin.

Read the Open Access Research Paper Here
Read the Raincoast Press Release Here
Watch the Animated Science Communication Video Here



'Online hunting forums identify achievement as prominent among multiple satisfactions'

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